Angelica Garcia Confounds Again On Dazzling Video For “Lucifer Waiting”
Back in January, Angelica Garcia made a powerful visual statement on her video for “Guadalupe,” the lead single to her latest album Cha Cha Palace. Three months later, we’re happy to announce she’s done it again… and we really mean that she has done it again.
The new video for her latest single, “Lucifer Waiting,” is a sight to behold, bringing to life the vibrant pastiche artwork from Cha Cha Palace in an inventive way that speaks to the stylistic melding that’s at play within her work. Directed by local company Arts & Letters Creative Co., the video finds Garcia utterly commanding throughout, whether she’s sashaying to the hypnotic groove or scowling to the cryptic lyrics as the camera pans over intricate collage shots that have your eyes darting to all corners of the screen.
There’s no hyperbole here: this is one of the best music videos to ever come out of Richmond. As a standalone piece, it’s an enthralling rabbit hole of panoramic mystique. But more importantly, as part of the larger Cha Cha Palace presentation, it’s a stunning portrayal of ingenuity and creativity, highlighting a record that relishes not just in musical adventure but in complex authenticity. On “Lucifer Waiting,” folksy lyricism come to life through smoky vocals that slink over instruments that meld together punk dissonance, dancehall rhythms, and art pop flourishes, and with all the various shots and depictions, the video makes all this seem organically linked, almost thriving off each other to create something truly unparalleled.
We can go on and on about this, but check it out for yourself below. And afterwards, it’s a good time to put on Cha Cha Palace again, whether it’s your first listen or your twentieth.