Let The Mad Children “Alleviate” Your Stress With Their Mellow New Video
We could all use a breather, whether you just got to work or are waking up an hour or four too early. Luckily, local rock band The Mad Children is here to help with an easing new video for their cursive song “Alleviate.”
The video, directed by Jordan Gonzalez and put together by Diamond Dot Media, captures the band unwinding in two different, but equally satisfying ways, enjoying the sound of their soothing composition in a lit-up indoor studio and a modest, out-door skate park. In between these performances, we see the band relax even further while relishing in some IPAs and each other’s company in a bright, invigorating day out.
And it’s this type of relaxation — before and after a creative release — that makes the song and video so appealing, especially when relatable lyrics like this make you second guess your morning commute as the alarm goes off. “Now I’m grown and I’m out on my own / I got to work hard / Every day / Just to make ends meet and stay up on my feet / Lord I need my sleep.” Backed up by a warm, inviting sound with just the right amount of fusion between funk, psychedelic, and jazz, it’s a song you’ll want readily available next time you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed in life.
For future news from the band, make sure to follow them on Facebook and Instagram and in the meantime, check out the video for “Alleviate” below and prepare to sink into your chair with a relaxing jam.