Richmond Music Roundup: January 19 – January 25
Each week, The Auricular seeks to document every album & single coming out of Richmond, creating a reference point for anyone wanting to catch-up on the eclectic & intriguing music coming out of the city.
While we strive to create a complete picture of all Richmond music, we know that some things will unfortunately fall through the cracks. If anything is missing from the list below, please let us know by e-mailing contact@theauricular, and we will make sure to add it to the next weekly roundup.
Here is all of the music released out of Richmond for January 19th through January 25th.
Another Bridge Into The Fog by Yami (Link)
Released January 20th
Frenetic rock energy is captured live-to-tape on this “demo” album from a madcap rock band basking in their idiosyncratic creativity.
Key Track: “Set It Off”
Aura by $cotty$lump (Link)
Released January 25th
Murmuring hip-hop cruising through lingering hip-hop instrumentals that dazzle in their simple formation.
Key Track: “Old Friends”
Catharsis by message_failed (Link)
Released January 19th
Luscious compositions brandished with enigmatic titles make this vaporwave record a thrilling instrumental listen.
Key Track: ” ᵃᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉ自由”
Final 4 EP by $ki (Link)
Released January 24th
A hip-hop pendulum swings boldly from track to track on this prowling EP from a flaring MC.
Key Track: “Where I Come From (feat. 3CHEEZO)”
Future Noir 003: Rainy Day Companion by Sleeping Awake (Link)
Released January 24th
Glo-fi instrumental collection with a strong hip-hop spine reinforcing the roving rhythm of the gauzy instrumentals.
Key Track: “Shadowborn”
Green Colored EP by Aster (Link)
Released January 22nd
Poignant lo-fi reflections drift through the vaporous ether in this remarkably affecting record.
Key Track: “Of Velvet And Pearl”
Impact by Kill The Druid (Link)
Released January 25th
Expansive rock vision inspires this dynamic, sweeping record containing a symphonic sense of composition and a brilliant sense of talent.
Key Track: “Fenrir, Pt.2”
Jaws Of A Wolf by 3:33 (Link)
Released January 23rd
Decimating thrash punk that features remarkably caustic takedowns relayed through afflicting tones, pummeling rhythms, & dense lyrics.
Key Track: “No One’s Taking Your Job, Stupid”
JUNK by Mitchel Evan (Link)
Released January 25th
A compilation of discarded demos from a profusive Americana artist pulling the curtain back on his songwriting & recording process.
Key Track: “Invisilble Love”
Junk Collector by Chalice (Link)
Released January 20th
Vibrant sound collages that snowball through their lengthy runtimes, picking up enormous momentum through funk, hip-hop, techno, and rock terrains.
Key Track: “Come Down”
Just A Feature by Nakhee (Link)
Released January 21st
Sonorous mixtape full of dashing beats & sublime melodies released by a remarkable musician and a bevy of talented guests.
Key Track: “From The City (Live First Die Last)”
Kidz At Play Presents: Decade’s End by Smyth Knight (Link)
Released January 10th (Omitted From Last Week’s List)
Swanky hip-hop record with glistening instrumentals decorated even further by a robust rap flow.
Key Track: “Year End Liquidation II”
Make A Difference (This Wasn’t Enough) by djradtipptoppp (Link)
Released January 19th
Two-song release contrasting faint, guarded refrains with quaking, rhythmic roars.
Key Track: “High School Bathroom Rifles”
Nothing by Ghouli (Link)
Released January 22nd
Shrouded and brilliant hardcore punk release containing truculent compositions that are fearlessly led by extraordinary thrash vocals.
Key Track: “AKA Prozac”
One Foot In Front Of The Other by Recovery Ally Choir (Link)
Released January 25th
Inspiring & vital release from a local choral group focusing on the rehabilitative power of music.
Key Track: “One Foot In Front Of The Other”
Patterns Require Responsibility by Industrial Zen Garden (Link)
Released January 15th (Omitted From Last Week’s List)
Ruminant soundscapes create images of underwater exploration deep within the mind on this gripping record.
Key Track: “Castaway (feat. Chanel Dela Cruz)”
Point Of Origin by J.Lamaj (Link)
Released January 18th (Omitted From Last Week’s List)
Gritty yet melodic hip-hop EP that polishes its smooth instrumentals with a burnishing flow.
Key Track: “Used To Winning”
R4W by REEK4REAL (Link)
Released January 22nd
Bristling hip-hop EP with four tracks teeming with avid hip-hop energy funneled through a ravenous MC.
Key Track: “Dummy Freestyle”
Ritual / Slippin by FULLSCREEN (Link)
Released January 21st
Voltaic synthrock with a cryptic, almost cabalistic aesthetic raising the exhilarating melodies to majestic heights.
Key Track: “Ritual”
Sick Boy by Rom-Nod (Link)
Released January 20th
Impudent post-punk release that constructs an overarching soundscape of menacing detachment through abstract rock thoughts & granular structures.
Key Track: “Venom Heart”
someofyouhaveneverfelt… by itslolita (Link)
Released January 22nd
Puffed up hip-hop instrumentals that pulse wildly with driving beats testing the max levels of any speaker.
Key Track: “NASDAQ Apex Predator”
Sprite by 804Bandit (Link)
Released January 25th
Rootsy beats convey the affable & irascible charm of this lo-fi hip-hop record.
Key Track: “Run Away”
The Game Where Nothing Ends by M. Richard Talley (Link)
Released January 21st
Theoretical soundtrack built on expansive soundscapes that shimmers with creative adventure, tailor-made for your next favorite indie platformer or your next late-night study session.
Key Track: “The Ruined Temple”
The Last One by Chucky Shovels (Link)
Released January 24th
Knotty electronic soundscapes featuring a desolate undercurrent outshined by auroral creativity & curiosity.
Key Track: “Thick As Vermin”
Why Listen?¿¿ by Uitare (Link)
Released January 24th
Experimental hip-hop instrumental spanning twenty engaging minutes and a myriad of tempos, styles, and samples.
Key Track: “Why Listen?¿¿”
22 Shit EP by Lul Yo (Link)
Released January 22nd
Febrile hip-hop EP featuring vocals that assertively bark and infectiously chirp over vigorous instrumentals.
Key Track: “Killa”
“All To Myself (feat. Travis)” by ⚡️Skirbee⚡️@skexrh (Link)
Released January 19th
Melodic yearning flows passionately in this fluttering hip-hop track.
“Alleviate” by The Mad Children (Link)
Released January 24th
Warm, inviting sounds backed up with just the right level of fusion between funk, psychedelic, and jazz. (Click here for our full review.)
“Amnesia” by Nick & The Twist (Link)
Released January 19th
Flashing tones scamper around a simple beat on this chimeric, twilight instrumental.
“Bling Bling” by JaySoo (Link)
Released January 23rd
A protracted triad melody gives depth to the twirling beat on this rolling rap track.
“Blue Chalk” by Starr Nyce (Link)
Released January 20th
Classic boom bap adorned with a flighty woodwind melody that allows a demure flow to showcase a sensational rap spirit.
“Crow Magnum” by Infinitelylooping (Link)
Released January 22nd
Synthrock instrumental looking upwards with a soaring melody put together by several moving, interlocked parts.
“Cruiser” by Nick & The Twist (Link)
Released January 21st
Warbling tones vault off a snappy beat in this drifting instrumental jaunt.
“D3M6N$” by Myles Beatz (Link)
Released January 25th
Something wicked this way booms on this luring, portentous hip-hop instrumental.
“Dawgz” by JIRAI¥A THA BLACK (Link)
Released January 23rd
Spectral rap track exploring an eerie ambiance with distorted tones & vocal snarl.
“Dormant” by Jsmoke (Link)
Released January 23rd
Unrelenting rhymes twirl wildly on this somber hip-hop single cushioned by a weighty piano melody.
“Dum (feat. KingnoY$F)” by Glo Shine YSF (Link)
Released January 23rd
Briery hip-hop track that sharpens its hawkish blade with toiling notes & annular rhythm.
“Ending” by Kristen Merritt (Link)
Released January 23rd
A soulful reverie of reflection, presented with gracious sound & incisive lyrics. (Click here for our full review.)
“Everywhere” by JayMiah (Link)
Released January 20th
Lavish strings & plush splicing contrast boldly with the blistering flow on this intriguing single.
“Feelin Love” by $tunna (Link)
Released January 21st
Wispy melodic murmurs whiz in the background of this recoiling hip-hop track with a plucky spirit.
“Flash Bang (feat. Benzerkk)” by ⚡️Skirbee⚡️@skexrh (Link)
Released January 23rd
Silvery hip-hop intoning stands tall against a blazing backdrop on this smoldering track.
“Frenemies” by Colin Phils (Link)
Released January 22nd
Thorny math rock composition with crunchy, incisive musical barbs connected together by inviting vocal sections & spiraling impulse.
“Full Moon” by Big Tyla (Link)
Released January 25th
Terse, luminous notes flitter on this fun, rippling hip-hop instrumental.
“God Of Pity” by Hunting Dog (Link)
Released January 23rd
Ambient murmurs contort into dissonant distortions on this experimental track.
“Groupie Love” by Ultra Kombo (Link)
Released January 23rd
Tumbling rap track that relishes in the adulation of the nominal admirers overtop a surging instrumental.
“Hit” by Rough Age (Link)
Released January 19th
Mesmerizing rock track built on raucous tones that boil over emphatic refrains and a nervy musical spirit
“HomeRun” by Raie Lenicx (Link)
Released January 23rd
Taciturn vocals bob and weave through this clamoring rap track testing the levels of your preferred sonic medium.
“How Do You Feel” by New Lions (Link)
Released January 21st
Industrious rock anthem that combines elaborate guitar melodies with dense lyrical ideas for a scrappy and enthralling sound/
“I Don’t Like The Cold” by Nick & The Twist (Link)
Released January 21st
Darting percussion gives this chilling instrumental a crumbly, capricious appeal.
“InMyBag” by VF Shaolin (Link)
Released January 24th
A reticent vocal flow evades the whirling siren tones on this prying rap track.
“Jackals” by Deathcrown (Link)
Released January 22nd
A searing, raving guitar line cuts through the rabid rhythms on this inciting death metal track.
“Mama Raised Me” by Ultra Kombo (Link)
Released January 22nd
Maternal love overflows this bustling rap track overtop a pulsating yet tender instrumental.
“Man Now” by Ultra Kombo (Link)
Released January 22nd
Melodic esteem conveyed through a veering hip-hop track with sparkling tones & scintillating rhythm.
“Monk” by 32Degrees (Link)
Released January 23rd
Bright tones scale up and down in this cogent rap single with a warm appeal.
“My Regrets” by Butcher Brown (Link)
Released January 19th
Richmond’s premiere R&B ensemble pays tribute to Mac Miller with this magnetic, rousing cover.
“One More” by VVFlemmatico (Link)
Released January 22nd
Poignant hip-hop that eulogizes through an effusive instrumental with vulnerable lyrics & pained delivery.
“Party & Bullshit RMX” by Raie Lenicx (Link)
Released January 22nd
Granular and peppery remix of Biggie Small’s 1993 debut single.
“Pop Out” by 804.Blizzy (Link)
Released January 25th
Inimical bars fly out of this exuberant rap track built on a wavy, flaring instrumental.
“Promises (feat. Logo$)” by smɛllis (Link)
Released January 24th
Incredulous despair marks the cursive vocals on this reeling hip-hop track.
“Prophesir Wakenbaker” by 804E (Link)
Released January 21st
Deafening beats fill up the imposing space on this pacing rap assertion.
“Pull Ya Card” by TaeMovi x Paj (Link)
Released January 20th
Kinetic hip-hop vigor distilled through a flickering & chirping instrumental & bumping rhythm.
“Purpose (Demo)” by Hunting Dog (Link)
Released January 23rd
Electronic soundscape exploring the innate tranquility of bubbling tones that waver in intensity.
“Rain” by Myles Beatz (Link)
Released January 25th
Buoyant synth tones aerate this engaging rap instrumental that contains a purifying sound & rhythm.
“Rinnegan Freestyle” by TaeMovi x Paj (Link)
Released January 20th
A relaxed verbal tug-of-war makes up this laid-back freestyle with a skipping beat.
“Roll Over” by Teon The Beat (Link)
Released January 23rd
Twinkling electronic composition with a fluttering appeal that glissades through the rich, musical firmament.
“Runaway 2 (That’s Right!)” by YesJasper (Link)
Released January 24th
Glitzy harmonies give way to coursing hip-hop vocals that stream through this luscious instrumental.
“RVA (feat. Dre Person)” by Lil Keechie (Link)
Released January 24th
Hometown pride fuels this indomitable rap track featuring a scurrying beat & propelling rhymes.
“Silly” by Myles Beatz (Link)
Released January 21st
Eccentric pitches make up a dancing, cockeyed melody on this hypnotic hip-hop instrumental.
“Stitches” by Nephilim x JVMPSKARE (Link)
Released January 22nd
Slashing EDM with wide bass drops that are sutured by sweeping instrumental interludes.
“Super Lit” by Myles Beatz (Link)
Released January 23rd
Granular string tones are spliced and looped on this jolting rap instrumental.
“Tae Vs. TaeMovi” by TaeMovi (Link)
Released January 20th
An old verse is unearthed for a hip-hop showdown with a new flow on this rolling rap vision.
“The Box Freestyle” by Vonn Wave (Link)
Released January 19th
Madcap freestyle featuring brassy poise conveying errant observations over a sharp instrumental.
“Time To Shine” by Demond47 (Link)
Released January 20th
Domineering MC skills weave in and out of musical clouds on this skyscraping hip-hop track.
“Top Shotta” by BigSteppa2x x BroZay (Link)
Released January 20th
Slithering rhymes move through a lurching instrumental on this cagey hip-hop single.
“Trap House” by Myles Beatz (Link)
Released January 23rd
Ominous tones swirl inside a musical twister on this disorienting hip-hop instrumental.
“Trying” by 804 Zay (Link)
Released January 23rd
A pensive instrumental opens up for a wild, almost maniacal flow to unravel on this animated rap track.
“Uplifting” by Teon The Beat (Link)
Released January 23rd
Ground-shaking EDM with an exalting tone that reverberates and invigorates.
“Vlue Virds” by AMQCATARACTS x JD (Link)
Released January 19th
Anime-inspired trap track with an oriental melody impelling the ardent & emphatic vocal flow.
“Waiting On You” by Sam McCoig (Link)
Released January 24th
Grooving pop track following a funky bass line that moves & goads its beaming harmonies.
“Youngin (feat. Jay Prime)” by Lil’ Rose (Link)
Released January 19th
Innate skill & tenacity flaunted on this sauntering rap track with a vibrant instrumental strut.
Are we missing something?
Let us know!