Richmond Music Roundup: November 4 – November 10
AD7.35 by Rayet (Link)
Released On November 8th
Three song darkwave release that explores doom in a curious, playful manner.
Key Track: “ATH1Rv.2”
BeastUndaneath by BeastUndaneath (Link)
Released On November 6th
Underground rap that calls back to the golden age of hip-hop with simple & infectious beats punctuated by engaging lyrics.
Key Track: “Reality Check”
featherword by GHOSTER (Link)
Released On November 6th
Electronic instrumentals exploring ambience through the lens of vaporwave, funk, surf, and folk music.
Key Track: “Surf Guru”
Highway Of Shadows by The J.O.B. (Link)
Released On November 9th
Smart pop rock that brings in Americana influence and theatrical tendencies to make a curiously cordial sound.
Key Track: “Lisa’s Song”
Instrumentals Vol. 1 by COMBATTLER V ボルテスV (Link)
Released On November 5th
Grimy hip-hop instrumental release full of fuzzy beats, hard-hitting rhythms, and socially conscious samples.
Key Track: “R.R.”
Large Margin by Large Margin (Link)
Released On November 9th
Melodic chaos that doubles down on the spirit of punk rock songwriting and post-punk creativity. (Read our full review here.)
Key Track: “Rinse And Repeat”
Lost & Found by Andrew Rohlk (Link)
Released On November 7th
Blues pop-rock that leans towards a modern AC style with engaging singer-songwriter tendencies. (Read our full review here.)
Key Track: “Lost & Found”
Mask by David Dominique (Link)
Released On November 9th
Peculiar & surreal bebop jazz with remnants of big band swing and avant-garde deviations. Technically exquisite and structurally assertive.
Key Track: “To Dave Treut”
Night Business by Night Business (Link)
Released On November 9th
Rapid fire punk rock music that peppers their hardcore onslaught with a few pop-punk callbacks.
Key Track: “Shake, Rattle, Bang Bang!”
No Beauty Lost by Honest Debts (Link)
Released On November 9th
Southern rock with heartland appeal that focuses on genuine songwriting, leading towards a more fluid and rewarding sonic aesthetic.
Key Track: “Out Of Season”
No Time For A Breakdown by South Hill Banks (Link)
Released On November 9th
Endearing bluegrass that’s remarkably rousing in its impressive skill, colorful melodies, and timeless words.
Key Track: “Miss This Ride”
November by Crushing Yellow Sun (Link)
Released On November 5th
The latest instrumental release by the prolific musician known for his guitar theatrics and psychedelic sludge sound.
Key Track: “Liquid Diablo”
November Blood by Asylum 213 (Link)
Released On November 10th
An alt-rock wonderland with an operatic approach that calls for strong moments of metal, prog-rock, and electronica.
Key Track: “Heart In You”
Read Aloud Album Vol. 1 by Read Aloud Collective (Link)
Released On November 10th
A brief musical audiobook with passages from Rudyard Kipling and Robert Frost read overtop some idyllic music.
Key Track: “Robert Frost’s ‘Dust Of Snow’ – Recited By Sloane Lu (Music By Zach Banister)”
Ready To Be That Way by Midlife Pilot (Link)
Released On November 9th
Indie rock inspired by the emo, pop-punk, & math rock explosions of the 21st century with plenty of gripping lyrics and irresistible grooves.
Key Track: “The Medicine Cabinet”
Rip It To My Fucking Face by Fucking Fucks (Link)
Released On November 4th
Experimental two song release that revels in the anarchy that unfolds when you combine noise and glitch music together.
Key Track: “.i.r.”
Rose Eyes by Addy (Link)
Released On November 9th
Bedroom ennui that rises above its meager space with an expansive sound that reaches towards country-western and electronica. (Read our full review here.)
Key Track: “Supermarket”
STFU & SK8 Vol 4 “The Turnup Edition” by DJ Pooh “Da Assassin” (Link)
Released On November 4th
Dense hip-hop instrumental collection of samples and grooves full of bombastic bangers and tranquil nocturnes.
Key Track: “Track 9”
This Isn’t Music by Dickey Keys (Link)
Released On November 4th
Twelve song release containing the most surreal mash-ups imaginable. Interesting musical exercise. Confounding listening experience.
Key Track: “Smells Like Hoochie Coochie”
Twin Films by Twin Films (Link)
Released On November 5th
Two song release full of shimmering dream pop that borders on early disco, back when the roots of the genre were still soulful and sincere.
Key Track: “Serotonin (v.1)”
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