Scene Recap: Nightmare On Grace Street
There’s a ton of great outlets, organizations, and individuals covering the music scene in Richmond. So many that it might be hard to keep up to date on all of them. We’ll try and collect some great articles, coverage, and news bits we’ve read each week here at The Auricular.
• RVA Hub had a great piece talking about CNTR, the new creative and co-op work space from OG ILLA / Will Keck and the great team at theMSQshop that officially opens next Friday, November 4th. We talked about theMSQshop last month and how it needs to be a part of your daily reading list, and this new space seems like a great way for the outlet to expand upon their collaborative spirit. We’ll talk a bit more about this next Friday to hopefully drive more people there, but in the meantime, definitely read this article. (Article link here.)
• Davy Jones talked with Zac Hryciak from Spooky Cool about their new record over at Style Weekly. (Article link here.) Highly recommend not only this article, but also the band’s new record Existential Pie which is out today. We premiered a great track from that record this week earlier on the site and are floored by the expansive songs Spooky Cool created here. Don’t miss it. (Song premiere here.)
• I love articles by Karen Newton so much. Her new piece at Style Weekly about Classical Revolution RVA performing Mozart in Church Hill opens with the most wacky and wonderful sentence. “You know Mozart is a big deal because “The Simpsons” devoted an entire episode to him, with Bart playing the composer.” The rest of the article is a must-read too. (Article link here.)
• We were on time this week with a Roundup of new local music this past Tuesday. (Article link here.) We’ll be back probably Wednesday next week as we’re going to include Sunday and Monday and wrap up October in one post. Meanwhile, don’t forget that HearRVA has you covered every Friday with a curated look at new local music. Check it out if you haven’t already! (Instagram link here.)
• Hey, we have a Patreon if you want to support us! Not something we want to advertise since we’d really like your money to go towards local musicians, but running this site takes a lot of work and if you enjoy the content here, maybe sign up as a patron. There’s only one tier to sign up for and it costs just a $1 a month. In the future, there will be some Patreon exclusive content there… like maybe some video… I guess you’ll have to sign up to see! (Patreon link here.)
• If you don’t have a party already on your schedule the next couple of nights, might I suggest some live music to occupy your weekend? The industrious team over at RestlessRVA will have a full line-up of shows to look at over the next couple of days so make sure to head to their Instagram and find out who is playing where. (Instagram link here.) And the dazzling Marilyn Drew Necci always has a deeper dive available over at RVA Magazine each week so make sure to check out her column that zeroes in on 8 specific shows. (Article link here.)
• Shorter recap than normal this week, but that gives you plenty of time to dive into the local music I want to highlight today. Back in 2014, there was a fun spooky-themed collection released on tape called Nightmare On Grace Street that featured some heavyweights in the scene from that time like Hot Dolphin, Heavy Midgets, and Hot Lava. The following year, Volume II was released with even bigger names like No BS! Brass, Clair Morgan, and Lightfields (who we talked about some weeks back). Since Halloween is literally right around the corner, I thought it’d be best to recommend both records to you today. They are available to stream still on Bandcamp and I’ve got them embedded here below. Maybe if we rack up the listening numbers on this, we can twist the arms of the people who created it to bring it back for Vol. III next year. Maybe? Please? Pretty please? Well, even if we don’t, these two records are still a great snapshot of Richmond’s music scene in the mid-2010s and a welcome addition to any Halloween playlist you’ve concocted for this weekend. Enjoy below and I’ll see you all next week!