Scene Recap: Storied Strings, JChats, MSQ
There’s a ton of great outlets, organizations, and individuals covering the music scene in Richmond. So many that it might be hard to keep up to date on all of them. We’ll try and collect some great articles, coverage, and news bits we’ve read each week here at The Auricular.
• Well-wishes to all of our friends down in Florida. If you haven’t yet, reach out to your friends and family in the area and ask them who they know of that needs immediate help and assistance. Donating to an organization is always great, but the benefit of targeted aid cannot be measured.
• Every week it seems there’s way too much music coming out of the city, but today especially feels like a big day. New albums from Piranha Rama, Timothy Bailey & The Humans, City Of Caterpillar, and Drook all dropped today and there’s at least five more that I’m forgetting. We’ll cover it early next week in our Roundup column, but it’s a great day for new music in Richmond so get to listening!
• Speaking of the roundup column, we did finally get one out early this morning! (Article link here.) They get harder by the week it seems, but don’t worry — we’ll get it done. Meanwhile, if you want things a bit more structured and scheduled, don’t forget that the wonderful folks at HearRVA always have you covered with a look at new releases each Friday over at their Instagram page! Some real good stuff on their list out today too. (Instagram link here.)
• Oh and speaking of HearRVA, did you hear (ha) that JChats is back? There’s new interviews with Jay?Duhhh and Ty Sorrell up now so head over to the HearRVA YouTube page to watch both of them. (YouTube link here.)
• Here’s a great article by Don Harrison for Style Weekly on the new “Storied Strings” exhibits which examines guitar placement in art. Haven’t been to the VMFA in a while and this article has me itching to spend a Sunday afternoon walking around. (Article link here.)
• Not an article link per se, but shout-out to Jay Guevara and the others who run the blog over at TheMSQShop. Tons of great hip-hop is being featured there, most of it local or from the surrounding area. This blog should definitely be part of your daily reading schedule. (MSQ blog link here.)
• Bryan Schools caught up with Lamb Of God’s John Campbell for a new interview at RVA Magazine. Worth the read for the odd tattoo story alone. (Article link here.)
• Hey, did you hear? Work has begun on the Newlin Music Prize for 2023! (Newlin link here.)
• Whitney & The Saying Goes had a great set this past week on Shockoe Sessions so make sure to watch that. Also make sure to listen to his 2021 record Thoughts For Breakfast. Or re-listen. Or just put on a repeat for a full day like we’ve done several times. Anyway, Shockoe Sessions! Next up: The Mighty Good Times! (YouTube link here.)
• Episode 62 of River City Sounds had The Goodbye Forevers this past weekend. Their frontman, David Young, actually maintains this really good Spotify playlist of RVA punk and indie music which we highlighted a few weeks back. (Spotify link here.) Check that out, but after you listen to the new RCS podcast. (Spotify link here.)
• Not a news bit per se, but we’re always getting people asking us in DMs how they can help out with The Auricular. DMs are great, but e-mails are better for our sanity! If you want to contribute or get involved here, just shoot us an e-mail — !
• It’s going to be a dreary, rainy weekend, but still make sure to catch some live music if you can! Our pals at RestlessRVA have a great menu of all the shows available over the next couple of days over on their Instagram page so check it out. (Instagram link here.) And in the same vein, the amazing Marilyn Drew Necci always has you covered with an in-depth look at upcoming shows over at RVA Magazine. (Article link here.)
• Time to close this out with a local song. I’m staring out the window right now just waiting for the downpour to begin so I need a pick me up. Something catchy. Something bouncy. Something larger than life. Luckily, I’ve got a song that always comes to mind when I need a mid-morning musical jolt. It’s a song with a hook that has lived rent-free in my head since it was released back in 2014, which is funny because I just saw today that the band’s own Bandcamp page says they are “the band that lives inside your head.” That band in fact is Lightfields, one of my favorite local bands from the 2010s and one I secretly wish will release a new record one day. (No pressure, but please? Please please?) The song is called “Atomic” and gun to my head, it’s gotta be up there as one of the absolute best songs to come out of Richmond in the 2010s. Find out for yourself. Put on the song below and just revel in the punk joy of “Atomic” by Lightfields.