Scene Recap: Wes Freed, Shockoe Records, Taylor Barnett
There’s a ton of great outlets, organizations, and individuals covering the music scene in Richmond. So many that it might be hard to keep up to date on all of them. We’ll try and collect some great articles, coverage, and news bits we’ve read each week here at The Auricular.
• Greg Weatherford penned a wonderful memorial for Wes Freed over at Style Weekly this week after the artist’s untimely passing. Can’t recommend this piece enough. (Article link here.)
• Staying on Style Weekly, our friend Davy Jones had a great look at “Sweet Thing,” the new single from Mackenzie Roark, as well as a quick chat with Roark herself. (Article link here.)
• One more Style Weekly bit — Peter McElhinney covered VCU hiring Taylor Barnett as the new Director Of Jazz Studies. To say Barnett is a prolific musician is an understatement and while most know him from being part of No BS!, we’re still partial to his 2018 album Loose Ends, which we picked as album of the week way back in the before time. (Article link here.)
• In other news, Andrew Bonieskie had an interview with Høly River over at RVA Mag. (Article link here.) And speaking of Høly River, the duo is part of the new Shockoe Records team which Harry Kollatz Jr. covered in the Fall Arts Preview for Richmond Magazine. (Article link here.)
• Speaking of Shockoe, did you check out The Chan Hall Expierence on Shockoe Sessions? Great stuff. (YouTube link here.) Don’t miss Wilson Springs Hotel coming up next week. And in the same realm, make sure you check out Episode 59 of River City Sounds which features Sidechick! (Spotify link here.)
• Auricular‘s editor Doug Nunnally has a piece in the latest edition of The Wire from England covering local labels Citrus City and Cherub Records that are helping to grow and expand the local scene. (Magazine link here.)
• On the concert front, there’s a ton of shows as always to catch. Make sure to look up Restless RVA on social media for a great look at all the wonderful shows coming up. (Instagram link here.) If you want a closer snapshot though, you will never go wrong with Marilyn Drew Necci’s weekly show column over at RVA Mag. Marilyn Drew’s knowledge of the local music scene is unparalled and the work she has put in over the last 15+ years to cover things around town is awe-inspiring. Make sure to bookmark anything and everything she writes. Seriously. (Article link here.)
• New release wise, we’re trying our best to get back to covering everything that comes out around town with our Richmond Music Roundup columns. No promises when we’ll relaunch that, but we’re definitely working on it. In the meantime, HearRVA does a great job highlighting a handful of releases each week so make sure you give each of those release a listen. (Instagram link here.)
• Speaking of things to check out, the great Andrew Cothern of RVA Playlist puts out a quick newsletter every week with some tunes to definitely check out. (Newsletter link here.) And speaking of newsletters, Tracy Wilson, the hard-working woman behind Courtesy Desk, is doing a pop-up shop on the 24th at The Cask Cafe. Make sure to stop by! ( Facebook link here.)
That’s all we got this week. I’m sure you’ll hear from us soon. As always, drop us a line at if you need anything or want to pass along anything!
Until next time!