Timothy Bailey & The Humans Eviscerate The Celebrity On “Great Man Singing”
Timothy Bailey & The Humans is coming out swinging on their new song. “Great Man Singing,” the latest single from their debut self-titled album out on September 30th, is a sweeping takedown of the blind celebrity worship that allowed predators like Kevin Spacey and Brett Kavanaugh to stay on top for years and years. Armed with a scathing video, the song is an instant stand-out and an impressive piece of social and cultural commentary.
Filmed and edited by PJ Sykes (who’s also credited as a special advisor on the upcoming record), the video begins with a 60 Minutes style “confession” between Timothy Bailey and a reporter (played by Liza Kate). Tales of debauchery follow as Bailey recounts his time with Marlon Brando to the incredulous reporter. As the song picks up steam and the central theme begins to unfold, the video shifts to shots of so-called “great” men who have since been exposed as habitual predators. In one shot, Matt Lauer is seen joking about flashing. In another, we’re reminded of the personal connection between a former conservative president and a convicted pedophile. It’s a parade of celebrity lows over the last several years, all adding to the societal horror as Bailey sings the central lyric of the song “You give the guy a pass / when he’s good at playing creepy.”
The music is brilliant here, tempering the lyrical condemnation with a yearning sound that paints the song with golden age optimism that’s since been shattered by reality. It’s the best type of musical commentary — one that plays out the scene an apologist makes in his mind over and over again, no matter how preposterous it truly is.
“Great Man Singing” is the second single from the upcoming self-titled record after the lofty song “Ellington Bridge” was released earlier this year. It’s the first taste of recorded music from the band since their five-song EP on Cherub Records back in 2006 and expounds upon the band’s dazzling lyricism and impressive musicianship. For more on the band’s genesis and recording process, make sure to check out their Style Weekly profile from this past May, penned by Auricular friend and contributor Davy Jones. (Link here.)
Watch the video for “Great Man Singing” below and make sure to pre-order a copy of Timothy Bailey & The Humans in both digital and physical formats over at their Bandcamp page. (Link here.)