Premiere: Rine Unveils Tremendous Debut Single “I Wish U Could Love Me Too”
Songs about unrequited love are supposed to move us, touch us on a personal level and remind us of the aching scenario that has inspired great works of art for all of record history. But “moving” and “touching” don’t quite capture the brilliance of “i wish u could love me too,” the debut single from singer-songwriter rine. It’s affecting for sure, poignant and gripping throughout its patient plea, but when it’s over, the feeling that the song truly imparts on its listener is one of astonishment, pure amazement of a song so beautifully constructed and candidly written. It’s a powerhouse ballad, one that doesn’t rely on tense crescendos and lavish layering to impart its relatable narrative. Instead, it’s vulnerability and sincerity that help make this song resonate so deeply, tapping into a place of musical wonder at what has just been created. Out everywhere on Friday, May 5th, The Auricular is thrilled to premiere this song today with an exclusive stream below as well as a short Q&A with its impressive creator.
“i wish u could love me too” tells the story of a romantic pessimist turned optimist who’s found a connection so rich and fulfilling that it doesn’t stain that growth when it falls apart. (“I thought high school was stupid/ And romance was dead/ But now life’s like a movie/ Except in the end/ I don’t get with the boy/ I’ll just lay in my bed/ Only thinking about how you like her instead“) The melody here is gentle and tender, capturing the raw emotions of unrequited love. With each careful stroke of the piano keys, you can feel her heart being poured out, expressing the ache and longing she feels for the paramour just out of reach. “I think loving is scary because what if I fall?” rine asks early on, trying to make sense of complicated emotions that are swirling inside. In this way, she confronts the defense mechanism fueling her previous pessimism, which is now gone leaving her exposed to pain and grief.
What’s interesting here is that the song doesn’t dwell in that place. Instead of just being a melancholy remembrance of spurned affection, rine’s plea becomes a unique display of love’s power and promise, how it can shape our paths in life through the low and high moments, making us strive for those high moments again and again. “Love isn’t perfect/ Don’t know if I deserve it/ But you’re making me nervous/ Heart-racing, hand-shaking/ I know it’s worth it” rine sings late in the song, showing how despite the heartbreak, love is still worthwhile for those fleeting moments of excitement and bliss. It’s here where the song blossoms, adding in additional layering to compliment the sound as the piano keeps its tempered stride. But as quickly as it enters, it fades away leaving us with just rine and final piano notes that ends the song on a bittersweet note, one that still clings to the hope and promise of love.
A profound song for any artist, “i wish u could love me too” is an incredible debut for rine and places her as one of the key voices to watch within Richmond moving forward. We caught up with rine, real name Katherin Nguyen, to learn more about the origins of this exceptional single, what she hopes people take away from it, and what’s next after this exciting release.
How far back does this song date?
I wrote this song a year ago in my bedroom. That’s how I’ve written all of my songs. I sat at my keyboard, played a few chords, and sang whatever came to mind. It took me about a week to write the original version of it, and it’s gone through a few changes since then.
I never thought it would see the light of day until I performed it live for an audience at the FACT (Filipino Americans Coming Together) Pageant at VCU. They’re like a second family to me, and they showed me so much love and support and told me to record the song, so here we are.
Where did the inspiration for the song come from? Past relationship or something else?
This song is actually based on a WEBTOON called “The Kiss Bet” by Ingrid Ochoa. I read a lot of WEBTOONs in high school and something about this one just managed to give me so much inspiration. What’s crazy is I could probably release an entire EP about it if I wanted to because I’m such a huge fan girl. I prefer writing songs about other worlds that already exist as opposed to writing about my own life. I still write about my life too and put parts of myself in every song — it just doesn’t come as easy.
Being such a huge fan yourself, what does it mean for you to put out your own music now for others to become fans of?
I think that music is a universal language. Whether you’re in college with different majors or you’re in different parts of the world, music is something everyone can appreciate and connect with. Writing songs has been an outlet for me for such a long time, but only as something I kept very close to my heart. So I’m very grateful for my incredibly supportive family, and the amazing friends I’ve met along the way who have helped me reach this point where I can put something out there for other people to listen to.
I hope that everyone who listens to “i wish u could love me too” can resonate with the words and remember what it was like to be in love in high school, and even deeper than that, what it’s like to be in love with someone you can’t have.
Are you planning on playing any shows in the near future in town?
Nothing confirmed as of right now. I’m having a song release party tonight with close friends and family, and super excited to be able to perform for them. My friend Gary [Luong,] who is also my producer, and I are planning to do shows in Richmond in the Fall and more performances eventually!
Do you have an EP or LP on the horizon?
An EP is something I’m definitely planning to work towards, probably after a couple more singles. But I’ve been writing songs since I was twelve, so there are lots of songs that already exist — it’s just a matter of rewriting, reworking, and recording. For now, I’m trying to take things one day at a time and see how this first release goes. Hopefully well!
What’s the best way for people to keep up-to-date with your music?
Instagram and TikTok are definitely great ways to see what I’m up to. My handles for both platforms are @rinew1n and I hope you guys are able to follow along on my journey! Or just chat with me — I love talking with people!
“i wish u could love me too” will be released to all streaming platforms on Friday, May 5th. To pre-save it now, follow this link.