Scene Recap: NC17, Ty Sorrell, Lucas Fritz
There’s a ton of great outlets, organizations, and individuals covering the music scene in Richmond. So many that it might be hard to keep up to date on all of them. We’ll try and collect some great articles, coverage, and news bits we’ve read each week here at The Auricular.
• Slow start to the new year for us, but we’re rolling out a lot of content this week. Our Roundup articles will return in the next two weeks, but before that, we’re going to re-launch our catalog of all Richmond releases that will hopefully track any and all music coming out in 2023. Help us add to it — send us an e-mail at if you’ve got new music out or if you know of something we missed! We want to hear it all!
• Richmond Magazine‘s latest issue profiled local promoter Lucas Fritz and they just put the article up online for all to read. Harry Kollatz Jr. did a great job here and this is a great deep-dive into the impact Fritz has made on Richmond’s music scene. I can’t recommend this one enough. (Article link here.)
• HearRVA put out a new video this week where Qing Richy chats with Ty Sorrell and DuctTape Jesus about their July album Homegrown. Definitely worth a watch. (YouTube link here.)
• Natalie Barr over at The Commonwealth Times has a great piece about local label Grimalkin Records and their inclusive ethos. Check it out! (Article link here.)
• We talked about Bakari Kennedy’s new video yesterday. His EP is being released to all streaming platforms today and while I recommend you listen to that, I also highly recommend this article by Zach Kirby that the theMSQshop put out on Kennedy earlier this month. (Article link here.)
• Davy Jones profiled pseudo-local Gold Connections and talked about his new single “Around Your Eyes” for Style Weekly. (Article link here.)
• Davy had another article for Style Weekly this week chatting with Larry Campbell and Teresa Wiliams before their show at Richmond Music Hall next week. (Article link here.)
• River City Sounds returned last week and featured Havence for their 68th episode. Can’t wait to hear what the crew over there has in store for the new season. (Spotify link here.)
• Memphis, TN act Mojo Parker Express stopped by Shockoe Sessions Live! this week and you don’t want to miss it. Also make sure to catch the schedule for their upcoming shows — they’re hitting the ground running in 2023! (YouTube link here.)
• Regardless of what the weather is going to be this weekend, make sure to grab some live shows if you can. As always, the hard-working pair at RestlessRVA will have a full line-up of shows available for all music fans over the next couple of days. Head over to their Instagram to see exactly who is playing where. (Instagram link here.) And speaking of live shows, the amazing Marilyn Drew Necci recently moved her show column over to The Auricular. Give it a read and make sure to mark down her show picks for the next week. (Article link here.)
• Like we mentioned at the beginning, we’re hard at work bringing back the Richmond Music Roundup, but in the meantime, HearRVA has you covered every Friday with their curated selection of local new music. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you’re definitely missing out. (Instagram link here.)
• If you don’t have a party already on your schedule the next couple of nights, might I suggest some live music to occupy your weekend? The industrious team over at will have a full line-up of shows to look at over the next couple of days so make sure to head to their Instagram and find out who is playing where. And the dazzling Marilyn Drew Necci always has a deeper dive available over at RVA Magazine each week so make sure to check out her column that zeroes in on 8 specific shows. (Article link here.)
• That’s just about it for us here, but before we wrap it up, let’s talk about a great band more people need to hear. I always like to share a local song I love at the end of these articles and I’ve started keeping a list of songs I want to share in the future. I also have another list of albums from 2022 that I really wished I had time to review when they came out. I like lists. Just deal. Anyway, one band sits at the top of both of these lists and I didn’t even realize it until last week. That band is NC17 and we definitely need to talk about their 2022 EP Nasty Habits. Released in January of 2022, this six-song EP was one of the records I listened to the most last year. Deeply melodic but still scrappy and punchy, the band describes themselves as a “bubblegum punk rock” group and it definitely fits with truly memorable songs that match the infectious joy punk rock can offer, while also keeping its rowdy and insolent spirit in full control. As a taste of what that EP holds, listen to “Killer Show, the opening track, below. See you next week for more Richmond music news!