White Beast Extinguish Gaslighting With Fierce Noise On “Fencewalker”
New to Richmond’s noisy hardcore scene is White Beast, a primal duo with a pysch-sludge sound that has an especially potent sting. Recently, the band unveiled their new single “Fencewalker” along with an unnerving music video that previews the chaotic fascination their music holds.
A disorenting look into the natural pushback on perpetual gaslighting, “Fencewalker” is a torrid track that shrwedly matches its lyrical tirade with an equally jarring sound. It comes at a time when we’re seeing our worst fears manifested across the country as attacks continue on bodily autonomy, sexual freedom, personal expression, and even the right to just live. Anytime something happens, there’s a conservative parrot there to tell us “things are fine” or “you’re just overreacting” and this song is the perfect outlet to express all the resulting frustration. The video, shot by Jeffrey Rettberg and Caroline Hubert, matches the lyrical nature with a chaotic and distored view of a decaying and buring doll house, which can also be taken as how the desired conservative nuclear outlook is even damned under their proposed direction.
This is the first single from White Beast as a duo featuring drummer Sam Roberts and singer/bassist Jeffrey Rettberg. Previously, Rettberg released a short EP under the name White Beast in 2021 alongside drummer Ben Jones with material from 2017-2018, but alongside Roberts now, the newly transplanted Richmond duo is set to release their debut full-length album, Suffering Time, later this year.
Until that album release, you can catch the video for “Fencewalker” below and for more news and updates from White Beast, make sure to follow them on social media.